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For the love of Dogs!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Dogs touch our lives in a way that only dog-lovers can understand. They are like our practice children. Some couples fall so head over heals for their dogs that they decide not to have children at all.

Today while I sit blogging our oldest dog Maggie is hanging in limbo. She had a stroke last night and has not re-covered. Maggie has been with us for eleven years, we can't imagine our home without her. Today may be her last day on earth but she will be in our hearts forever. I took these pictures of Maggie a few days ago, she wasn't sick then. I am so glad to have these and will cherish them always. It is a great reminder of how powerful photography can be. Photography captures a memory that we can share with the world forever.

I love these images, even Sid's chocolate milk mustache.

UPDATE: Maggie died one week after she began having strokes. We will miss her always.

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