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Real Life

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Did you see it yesterday? Venus crossed the path of the sun and we could see it from way down here. If you missed the event (or were too scared to watch it from fear of damaging your eyes), check out the video below.


This event will not happen again until 105 years have passed.  If you want to partake in more celestial watching this year, we still have a few very interesting events. On August 12th you can view the PERSEID METEOR SHOWER. On November the 13th there will be a total eclipse of the sun. On December 13 & 14th grab your blankets and head outside for the GERMINID METEOR SHOWER.

Two years ago I woke the kids up and together we watched shooting stars until they were completely out of wishes. It was a great night and one I hope to have again this year. Last year the Perseid meteor shower wasn't as spectacular because of a bright moon, but this year looks promising.

Happy Wednesday-

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